Monthly Archives: June 2009

Jurassic Park anyone…?

Scary dinosaur atop a human.

Scary dinosaur atop a human.

Oh, dear… This reminds me of a creature in Jurassic Park. I think it spit.

Oh, NO! It's eaten the human!

Oh, NO! It's eaten the human!

Read more about her tragic end here, at Craftastrophe.

A Poem is like a melody…

Not a poem, but a very cute porcupine.

Not a poem, but a very cute porcupine.

It’s all about a poem, one to be knit by You. Just imagine – knitters around the world, click, clacking away as they contribute to the world’s first giant knitted poem. Plus, ArtYarn has launched a new social networking site for contemporary knitting and crochet called Subversive Yarn.  Continue reading

A Praying Tampon?

Only a small part of the whole, hideous picture.

Only a small part of the whole, hideous picture.

I just discovered this marvelous Web site, Craftastrophe. The site has all sorts of creepy-funny crafts gone bad. And I mean bad. But, really, KnittingNews is all about knitting, right? Would I let you down? Naw. Here’s a small preview. Just click through to see the Praying Tampon. (Craftastrophe’s utterly apt phrase.)

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Talk about a knitalong…

Award-winning artist Rania Hassan loves her knitting. I mean, she really loves her knitting, as evidenced by her marvelous sculpture/mixed media work “Knit Together.”

"Knit Together," Renwick award winner

"Knit Together," Renwick award winner

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Real Men Knit…

It’s pretty obvious I’m passionate about knitting. Lots of women are, in fact. But did you know that Real Men knit? Continue reading